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RE: Intranet branch security

>From: 	David W. Morris[SMTP:dwm@shell.portal.com]
>Sent: 	Tuesday, 20 August, 1996 06:37
>To: 	Gloria Farrell
>Cc: 	'www-security@ns2.rutgers.edu'
>Subject: 	Re: Intranet branch security
>On Mon, 19 Aug 1996, Gloria Farrell wrote:
>> Our company is developing an Intranet.  We are using MS IIS running on an
>> NT server.  My problem is that we have four other branch locations which we
>> would like to access the Intranet via the Internet.  How can we do
>>this and reasonably insure that unauthorized users will be denied
>One approach is some form of IP tunneling.  Basically, this means that
>two routers connected to the internet package the traffic to flow
>two intranets inside packets which can be routed between the intranets
>via the internet. I can't recall the vendor, but there was a vendor
>at trade shows I've been at over the past couple years which offered
>routers to do this which included encryption. Sorry I can't be more
>specific, but perhaps this will help you ask the right questions or
>generate another response from the list


Digital has a product that does this. Check out

- Kim

Kim Wohlert           |Internet:Kim.Wohlert@mainz.dk
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